North-East Organic Growers

Box scheme information

Our box scheme is a pretty simple system. Customers place a regular order for the type of veg and fruit bags they want, and contact us to add extra items to their order. The veg is harvested and bags put together at our premises near Bedlington. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays the bags are delivered to our Collection points throughout the region and then collected by you.

What do the bags contain?

Our bags contain a selection of seasonal certified organic vegetables, usually containing potatoes, carrots and onions ( though we may remove the carrots and onions in the summer when our fields and tunnels are bursting with other things! ). There are more salad items in the summer, more roots and brassicas in the winter. The amounts will vary during the course of the year but the value is fixed.

All produce grown by us is certified organic and guaranteed to be free of added pesticides, herbicides and GMOs, and is grown using ecologically sound and sustainable methods. Imported produce is sourced as locally as possible, from other certified organic growers and wholesalers. All produce is class 1 except where noted otherwise.

You can find out what is in our bags each week on the Veg and fruit bags page.

Please remember that this list is for information only. Due to the vagaries of weather, harvest, deliveries, etc, not every bag each week has exactly the same selection in it, though they will contain the full value.