North-East Organic Growers

Veg & fruit bags

Our certified organic vegetable bags contain a selection of seasonal vegetables, usually containing potatoes, carrots and onions ( though we may remove the carrots and onions in the summer when our fields and tunnels are bursting with other things! ). There are more salad items in the summer, more roots and brassicas in the winter. We also supply fruit bags and a range of extra items to add to your order. We deliver to collection points throughout the North-East.

Already a member? Find out below what's in your bag this week. 

Ready to join? You can place a trial order now to try out our scheme.

The following list gives information on the veg and fruit you may find in your bags this week commencing Wednesday 11 September 2024. This page is updated every Wednesday morning. (most of the time)


Small Vegetable Bag £8.70

potatoes UK
carrots UK
onions  UK
cabbage UK
salad onion Grown by us
broad beans UK

Medium Vegetable Bag £11.10

Potatoes Grown by us
carrots UK
onions  UK
courgette Grown by us
lettuce UK
cucumber Spain
turnip Grown by us

Large Vegetable Bag £14.80

Potatoes UK
Carrots  UK
Onions UK
beetroot chioggia Grown by us
french beans Grown by us
sweet potato Spain
pepper Hungarian hot wax Grown by us
cabbage UK
tomatoes Grown by us

Basic Vegetable Bag £11.10

Potato  UK
Carrots UK
Onions  Spain

Standard fruit bag £8.70

Apple UK
Banana - Fairtrade Columbia
Pear France
Plums UK

Large Fruit Bag £14.80

Apple UK
Bananas  - Fair-trade Columbia
avocado Kenya
plum UK
pear France
Melon Spain

Please read our box scheme infomation page for full details about how our scheme works.

Please note:

  • Due to the vagaries of weather, harvest, deliveries, etc, not every bag each week has exactly the same selection in it, though they will contain the full value.
  • All produce is class 1 except where noted otherwise.
  • Please remember that this list is for information only. We don't tailor the bags to individual tastes week to week so your bag may be slightly different to this.
  • We can make modifications to accommodate allergies and dietary needs; please contact the office if this applies to you.